OpenDataCam is a tool that helps to quantify the world. With computer vision OpenDataCam understands and quantifies what it sees. The simple DIY setup allows everybody to become an urban data miner.
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What is OpenDataCam?
OpenDataCam is a tool that helps to quantify the world. With computer vision OpenDataCam understands and quantifies what it sees. The simple DIY setup allows everybody to become an urban data miner.
OpenDataCam can help cities become smarter. One way of understanding smart cities is the combination of urban areas and emerging technology. OpenDataCam can help cities (via its citizens, institutions, scientists and decision makers) to make more sense of its surroundings, by using data points created from live recording.
Can I make my own OpenDataCam?
OpenDataCam is runs on a NVIDIA Jetson TX2 GPU Board and other off-the-shelf equipment (~500$). All software is based on open source components and runs completely locally. The current setup is optimized for a “smart traffic cam” setup detecting & counting traffic participants. The project follows the “release early” philosophy and should be considered as an alpha release.
More infos can be found on the project website and in the video below: