Will individual mobility conquer the sky? A mobility experiment by moovel lab took the idea of an autonomous drone taxi to the next level, by testing possible bridging technologies!

Technology is racing ahead. Moore’s law predicts computer chip performance to double every 18 months. Current trends are showing the ongoing digitalization of our mobility.
And drones? Everybody's talking about how drones will make our lives easier: Google, Facebook, Amazon. So we thought about how drones will revolutionize the mobility of the future, and how we at moovel would position ourselves in this market with the technology that we already possess.
How far is technology away from lifting taxi fares into mid-air? What are the implications? Where are key challenges? What companies will play a key role in this development? Find out in our documentary!
The Autonomous Human Drone Taxi
... taking individual mobility to the next level [literally].
Mhh … Okay you got us. We didn't actually manage to hang our reporter David Leonard from a drone. He seemed to be too heavy for our model. But we did manage to get a whole lot of people from moovel to drop what they were doing for a minute, and think about what a world with autonomous drone taxis would be like.
If you want to follow up on the initial briefing, here are some key elements: It should......
- be believable and plausible from the beginning
- be entertaining and positive, on the sunny side of hoaxes
- interface the many parts of the company
- get insights into actual projects moovel is working on (… spinning off into craziness)
You might be able to tell that actually lifting a taxi fare into free-float mode wasn't our general intention in this project. Even though thinking about how this would work was very amusing. So consider this video as the outcome of a speculative design experiment. An approach to creating a future we envision, but one that is just not quite there yet.
Do you think the drone taxis are a thing of the future? Or just hot air blowing through the rotors? Drop us a line @moovelLab or get in touch via mail. If you want to find out more about the making of and the intentions behind the hoax follow our blog. There’s more to come!
Rodrigo Garcia
Amature PhotographerPiper Kopser
Person on-street #3No drones were hurt in the making of this movie.